You can donate monthly to Pure Joy by debit or credit card using the PayPal Service by clicking on the Donate button below. If you are not a PayPal user you can still donate through this site with your credit card or checking account. There is also a button to set up reoccurring monthly support. We are pleased to provide this safe and convenient way for you to partner with the ministry. Pure Joy is a 501(c)3 organization and your donations to the ministry are tax deductible.
You can give through your bank’s online bill payment service using the information below.
Payee: Pure Joy International
Address: PO Box 36 Plumerville, AR 72127
Account Number: First & Last Name
Memo: General Support or Specific Retreat
Your bank will send your contribution and we’ll post it toward
your giving record just like a personal check.

If you prefer to mail your donation please make your check payable to Pure Joy International and send your tax deductible check to us at the following address:
Pure Joy International
c/o Patty Shipp, Donor Coordinator
PO Box 36
Plumerville, Arkansas 72127


If you are interested in getting involved in one of the areas above please contact Vickie at
Are you seeking an opportunity to travel overseas to help with missionary care? Pray about coming on a trip (or two) with us!
Has God given you a heart for missionary women/families? Ask Him to lead you to join us on a trip to minister encouragement to those individuals and families that are many times forgotten in the tyranny of the urgent in our lives.
Did God give you some natural talents that have to do with jewelry making, crocheting, knitting, scrap booking, cards, painting, making things and/or just seeing something in a store and know it would make a great gift? Imagine coming into a room of people you really don’t know and there is a gift for you on the table. Whether it was made or bought, it is for you personally and they don’t even know you. But God does!
Has God blessed you in such a fashion as to be able to bless others? If so, please prayerfully consider partnering with Pure Joy International monthly and or giving to help sponsor missionary women that will attend the conference free of charge. (They are responsible for their own transportation to and from the conference.)
Pray for this ministry, its staff, board and advisors. Pray for us to have wisdom about where to go and when to go. Pray for the missionary women/families all over this world. Become involved very personally when we are going somewhere by taking a name of one of the ladies that will be attending the conference and pray for her.
If you are interested in getting involved in one of the areas above please contact Vickie at

Fall 2024
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia Oct 9-12, 2024
Spring 2025
Nairobi Kenya April 30-May3, 2025
We are working with contacts to schedule future retreats. If you would like to visit with us about a retreat in your area of the world send us an email.